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Heyhey:) Nurul Hanisah.. 4th June :) 12 going 13 , Stays in Penang.. Malaysia , duh ! An Ex-Minden Student :( , A BJ student this year :) 1 Elit . Loves Music . Love boys that can play the guitar and drums , aww :) I'm kind , sometimes cruel , Lol . Joking kay ? haha ! If you think I'm over with what I write in my blog , you can just leave my blog or just press ctrl+w and please don't judge me :)Thanks :) Be My Follower :) :) Tata :)


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Is popularity that important ?

Saturday, July 23, 2011 @ 12:03 AM

Heyy :)

Is popularity really that important ? I mean , whats the advantage of it ? The boys ? Well-known ? Wait ! I know ! MORE HATERS :) that is for sure . I'm not trying to talk bad bout you guys . But , when I ask some people , they really dislike you . You be close with some people just for the sake of F A M E ? oh puh-leasee ! Can't you see some people are avoiding you ? Well , maybe you can't . Your too busy with your " so - called " FAME . Okay , fine . You got the fame you wanted . So , now what ? Ignore your friends and sulk because of small things ? You want to sulk with me ? Like I have nothing better to worry about lh kan ? I honestly do not care if you want to sulk with me , act like your damn better than me or act like people love your attitude so much . I know I'm the wannabe like you guys kayy ? That also doesn't mean , you guys get to treat me how ever you want . I too am human with feelings . You wanna know how you guys treat me ? You treat me like trash ! Well , trash sounds rude . You treat me like , I have to follow you where ever or when ever in any situation . But then , when you have no friends you find me ? When you have problems , you tell me ? I help you . But you know what ? I'm sick and tired of that attitude you got there . Seriously , I had enough of it . I'm tired of all this crap I have been dealing for god knows how long . Am I that bad of a friend ? We didin't talk for like a few days , how long do you want it to be ? We started of like good friends , the four of us . Now , its 3 . I'm not trying to say anything , but . I just wanted you to know how I feel :)

Have fun with your life ;) Enjoy it okay ? # sapa terasa , ambik semua .

Take note that life is short :)

Kbye :)

RahmaaaaaaNellaaaaaa ;)

Monday, July 18, 2011 @ 3:58 AM

Hello :)

Woots xD See the tittle ? Its my two best friends ;) Haha . Awkward kan ? I'm that bored until I'm writing about my friends -.- . Anyways , they are in a relationship :) Sweet kan ? ;D Nothing much to say about them pon . Haha , this is a bored case . Lol . Anyways , hope you guys are happy foreveah and that you humans last ;D

Kbye <3

P/s : Enella , Rahman suruh :P
jgn mrh me :))

NikIrdinaSuraya :)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011 @ 12:48 AM

Heyy :)

See that girl up there ? That's Nik Irdina Suraya :) She's my girlfriend :) I love her so much :D Don't get me wrong , I'm just close friends with her :) She can actually make you laugh even though you feel like stabbing someone :D Lol ,
Err , don't really know how else to describe her :)

3 words : I love you :)

Kbye :)

Sports :)

@ 12:38 AM

Heyy ;D

So , I joined marching for the sports day and I won :D It was awhsomeeeeeeee ;D


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